
Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Umbrel12

Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Umbrel12
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 Resident Evil: Raccoon city

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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 8:59 pm

Nearly halfway across the line, Athanasia took a few breaths as her strength was starting to wear out when suddenly the line began to drop. Her stomach jumped into her throat and all she could do was cling to the plastic-covered line as she began falling, the line bringing her closer to the building and yet closer to those... zombies. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" she couldn't stop herself from screaming. Adrenaline was the only reason she was able to keep hold of the rubbery surface. A split second before she was to smack into the building, she let go and tried reaching for the banister on the fire escape.

Scant inches from the rickety metal, her fingers grasped but wasn't quite able to reach. I'm going to die. Her mind kept echoing as time slowed down and her life flashed before her eyes. The drop began at the third floor and seemed to take an eternity before she was suddenly stopped with a crack and a crunch. She had fallen into a tree near the building, and though stunned she remained alive.
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White Cell
White Cell

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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 10:15 pm

The Umbrella operative did not intend for that to happen. He moved towards the school. The Child lay motionless on a tree trunk. Two zombies moved towards her. Mayakovsky felt regret for the first time in a while. He popped one in the forehead, and blood sprayed across the bottom of the tree trunk. He gunned down the other with another silenced burst, and waited to see if the child got up. White Cell stayed far enough away where she wouldnt notice him. He normally wouldn't care, but this time he felt a bit guilty. Nontheless, he couldnt afford to escort a child. He wouldnt allow her to attach herself to him. Mayakovsky had a job to do...
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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 27, 2012 10:48 pm

As her senses came back to her, she realized that she was on the ground, a dead zombie not too far and she was once again splattered with blood. Fortunately adrenaline was her ally as she couldn't feel what she knew was going to hurt later. Readying her umbrella, she glanced around. The zombies that had gathered near the shed were taking a bit to come this far, and the screams from the building had stopped completely. Wondering how these two died, she edged over to the side of the building, looking around. She wasn't too far from the gate, if she could get outside the fence she would be one step closer to Lyssa's house. Course of action set, she began to run, umbrella in one hand, other hand picking out small branches and splinters as she went.
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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2012 1:00 pm

John had failed to catch the girl or the culprit but once at the scene, there were no bodies despite the decomposing carcass of a man.

John could now see clearly what he was dealing with, flesh hanging loosely from the body, blood stained skin and yellow teeth, yet the blood was fresh and not dried like John first concluded.

John could come to only one conclusiuon.

The dead have risen.

He had seen shit in the war but even that couldn't prepare him for the shocking truth, but he thought quickly 'What the hell was that thing in the hospital then?'

The undead were getting starterling close to him as if they were attracted to him somehow. They blocked the streets in front of him and the only option left was the previous hell of the hospital.

John quickly ran to the complex, wishing for a chance of survival, and quickly shut the entrance behind him, now it was him and it.
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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2012 7:47 pm

A scream was heard in the distance. Viper stopped running and tried to get a pin point of the direction the scream came from. It was close. It was the scream of a young girl. She wasn't sure if she should go investigate. There still were many infected pursuing her and chances are by the time she reached the person they probably would already be dead. She decided to ignore it and continue on. She didn't know where she was running to but she had hoped where ever she ended up would give her answers.
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White Cell
White Cell

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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2012 8:20 pm

Mayakovsky reached the Entrance of the Umbrella facility. The guard posts splattered in blood. There had been an outbreak. The entrance door was blown clean off. He made his way into the facility. Blood stained the halls...and several zombies lay in the corner. Somebody had cut them...He hoped it was not too late. He sprinted down the hall, and slammed open the door.

It was empty.

Der'mo! (shit)

She was was everything else...

He turned around to go back upstairs.
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Umbrella Tech Support

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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 2:30 am

Seeing no one as Athanasia ran the street and a half to Lyssa's house, she began to really wonder if she was going crazy. Only slowing down to smack a couple zombies to slow them down before running again, she made it rather quickly managing to close the gate before the zombies that had been chasing her got there. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she studied the area. Satisfied that she was relatively safe here, she went into the house thanks to the key.

Feeling safe, she used their shower and some of Lyssa's clothes while she washed hers. She kept the umbrella nearby, but just as a precaution as she searched the house for anything she could use. She found a violin bow that she thought would be okay if something happened to the umbrella. Eating her fill, she decided that she would improve her current weapon as she hadn't found anything else. Taking a metal file she found she flipped on the tv and began sharpening the metal tip of the umbrella. The news had been overrun, but other stations from the east coast seemed to be uneffected, so they were probibly fine for now. Suddenly she had an idea.

Grabbing car keys, she went out to the car. Unlocking it and settling in, she got a feel for the gas and breaks though she had no idea what the other gadgets did. Leaving the engine on and the door open, she went to the gate and unhooked it, racing to the car as zombies chased after her. Barely making it to the car and slamming the door shut, she put her weight on the gas peddal and nearly lost her grip on the wheel as it jumped forward, surging to the street. Several bumps proved that zombies wouldn't be a problem as she hastily jerked the wheel to turn. This would definately take some getting used to.
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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 2:49 am

Bulldog sat quietly in the passenger seat of his humvee with his M4 on his lap. His vehicle had a M2 on the top and a M240 on the back. Painted on the back side was his vehicle's nickname, "THOR".

His squad was driving through the city streets heading to one of their several objectives. To gather information at the Umbrella HQ building and assist in the evacuation of any employees and/or executives. They drove up and heard gunfire inside the building. The squad hid their vehicle and dismounted.

They ran in formation to the building's side entrance and stacked up.

"1, 2, 3, Go! Go! Go!"

Bulldog kicked open the door and entered with his team behind him.
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White Cell
White Cell

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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 10:43 am

Somebody had breached the building. White Cell couldnt afford to let them get the data. He uploaded a viral scavanger to the system, that erased everything. No doubt he would have to deal with some of the government agents before his exit...He activated the laser would lie dormant until they enterred the hallway, then they would be locked inside whilst the laser grid eviscerated them...He was glad the computer was on this side of the grid. Unfortunantly, he couldnt leave- and that was the only way out of the underground facility.
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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 29, 2012 12:33 pm

John heard footsteps echo through the halls, not clumsy like those undead who were banging on the door behind him, but instead controlled and quick.

John's eyes darted at every possible sector of attack and once clear, set off for the footsteps origins.

The sound led him to the stairs, with dried blood, as if someone was dragged up them which were pushed to the back of John's mind. The footsteps grew closer and John could spot the bright light of a torch up the center corridor, near the windows.


John looked towards the left corridor and in the dim light, could make out the familiar humanoid shape on the ceiling, upside down, with his tounge drooped and fresh blood round its hideous face.

Both were frozen in their place, both waiting for the next move, until finally the creature's patience grew thin and it charged, ripping tiles from the ceiling.

Shit again.

John charged to the origin of the flash-light, eyes glancing back to the ever-encroaching twisted figure, firing shots with his pistol which seemed to only slow he beast once hit.
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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 01, 2012 7:35 pm

Viper needed to rest from all the running she had been doing to reach the check point. She looked around for a possible safe house. Across the street her eyes got a glimpse of a abandoned gas station. It looked like there were no infected inside and Viper didn't sense anything. She cautiously headed toward it.

As she slowly opened the door to the entrance of the gas station the smell of death filled her nose. She took out one of her katana and slowly eased her way inside. Once inside she examined the room. It was dark but Viper's eye sight quickly started to adapt to it. Her vision in the dark was so good that she could see everything inside. It was like she had night vision. There were two dead bodies on the floor. She walked over to them and checked to see if they were indeed dead. She took her finger and opened their eyes. Both bodies eyes were normal. Viper sighed in relief, finally she could rest.

Viper continued to examine the gas station. She located a soda machine standing against the wall. She noticed the money slot. She was so thirsty. She didn't have any money on her. She decided to return to the bodies an search them for money. Neither of them had anything other then chewing gum, which Viper did in fact take. She then noticed the cash register. She approached it to find that it was locked. She took her katana and pried it open. Inside there was forty dollars and eighty cents. It was more than enough to get a drink. She returned to the machine and inserted the money. She pressed the button that read Gatorade and the machine dispensed her selection. She sad next to the machine and began to enjoy her drink. She started to contemplate her next steps.


Viper heard a radio call from the facility. She returned and easily evaded the government troops scouring the building. She enterred a long hallway toward the mainframe she had visited earlier. Both doors suddenly closed and sealed shut. She pulled out her katanas per reflex...a light appeared at the end of the tunnel, and formed a blue laser across.


She tucked and rolled under the beam, just as it cut the bottom of her shoe off. Fabric sizzled in the air. She needed to find a way out!

The second beam rolled down the hall, and she rolled. It anticipated her movement, and with lightening fast reflex she managed to jump off of all fours over the beam. It cought the end of her hand, severing three fingers.

She screamed in pain, and as she looked up she saw a weakness. A vent. She jumped for it just as a grid of the lasers passed over where she had once been. she could barely crawl through as the carterized tissue pained her. She dropped from the other side, and saw a gas masked indevidual- he held a .45.

She managed one last curse as she saw the umbrella symbol on his arm. The shot echoed down the halls.
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White Cell
White Cell

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Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 2:59 pm

He had to kill her. She was no longer of use to Umbrella with her newfound awareness of company intentions. Viper knew too much...which is why white cell had shot her. He felt a moment of regret, that he quickly pushed back into his subconscious as he holstered his pistol. The grid turned off...and blood pooled around his boots...that would attrack the infected...


He looked down the hallway, and down at the corpse once more. He wonderred if the government types were still out there.

Silent taps were heard in the apposing corridor.
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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 05, 2012 5:19 pm

John looked behind, the creature was now even closer, but up ahead, John could see the bright orange rays of light from the streetlights passing through the large window only 20 yards up the corridor.

Only one way now.


In the midst of his sprint, John glanced to spot an abandoned oxygen tank resting against the blood-splattered wall, appearing full.

Before John had hit the window, he twisted his body so he could face the creature, blood and saliva oozing out of his mouth and the flesh twisting across its muscles. John screamed,


John fired a bullet at the oxygen tank which thankfully hit and went with a....


A tremendous gave way to a roaring inferno that scorched John's chest whilst the less fortunate creature was caught fully in the blast. The firery blast had caused it to go into a screaming fireball frenzy as it was thrown through the wall, sending pieces of plaster flying.

John hit the window with great force and was sent hurterling down two stories only to land painfully into a waste bin below. It still hurt did the landing, the movies lied, but he had survived, only with a few broken ribs, a scorched chest and a sprained ankle.

John dragged himself from the foul-smelling bin to arrive on a street with very little of the dead around and a two large bright lights coming his way. John stayed to the side of the road and waved his gun in the air alongside his other hand, ignoring the pain in his ribs...

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PostSubject: Re: Resident Evil: Raccoon city   Resident Evil: Raccoon city - Page 2 Icon_minitime

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